
Deletion Policy

Deletion Policy - Murasam.info

Last Updated: 12 January 2024

At Murasam.info, we respect your privacy and understand the importance of data protection. This Website Deletion Policy outlines the procedures and criteria for the deletion of user accounts and associated data on Murasam.info.

1. User Account Deletion Requests

Users who wish to delete their accounts on Murasam.info can do so by submitting a deletion request. Deletion requests can be made by sending an email to contact@murasam.info from the email address associated with the user account.

2. Criteria for Account Deletion

Murasam.info will process account deletion requests in accordance with the following criteria:

  • User Verification: To ensure the security and privacy of user accounts, deletion requests must be sent from the email address associated with the account. Additional verification may be required to confirm the identity of the account owner.
  • No Outstanding Obligations: Accounts with outstanding obligations, such as unresolved issues, pending transactions, or legal disputes, may not be eligible for immediate deletion. Murasam.info will communicate with the user to address any outstanding matters before proceeding with the deletion.
  • Compliance with Applicable Laws: Murasam.info reserves the right to retain user data as required by law or as necessary for legitimate business purposes, such as compliance with legal obligations or resolution of disputes.

3. Deletion Process

Upon receiving a valid account deletion request, Murasam.info will take the following steps:

  • Verification: Verify the authenticity of the deletion request and the identity of the account owner.
  • Communication: Inform the user about the deletion process, any outstanding obligations, and the expected timeframe for completion.
  • Data Deletion: Permanently delete the user account and associated data from the Murasam.info database. This includes personal information, preferences, and any content contributed by the user.
  • Confirmation: Notify the user once the deletion process is complete.

4. Retention of Non-Personal Data

While personal data is deleted in accordance with deletion requests, Murasam.info may retain non-personal data for statistical, analytical, or research purposes. Non-personal data will be anonymized to the extent possible.

5. Contact Information

For account deletion requests or inquiries related to the deletion policy, please contact us at:

6. Changes to the Deletion Policy

Murasam.info reserves the right to update or modify this deletion policy at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes to the policy.

Thank you for choosing Murasam.info. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and providing a transparent and responsible approach to data management.

Murasam.info - Nurturing Tamil Heritage, Connecting Worldwide Tamils.